The Gallery
CIVICCurated by Bella Kerr
12 April - 01 June 2014
Featuring Anna Barratt, Owen Griffiths, Jason&Becky, Catriona Ryan, Huw Griffiths Architects, Lindsay Halton, Niall Maxwell and Andrew Nixon (Powell Dobson)
Curated by Bella Kerr
Download the CIVIC Catalogue here: CIVIC_Catalogue.pdf
CIVIC is intended as an interrogation the city, an invitation to propose architectural and other interventions for a number of sites across Swansea; a process of observation and speculation to create an imaginative, discursive and creative space within the gallery.
How will the city be investigated? A number of local architectural practices, makers, writer and artists will be asked to participate and a number of sites and themes identified. Architects, artists and writers will be asked to produce or propose responses to a site, pairing an architect with another practitioner for each site (the term site may be expanded to incorporate the idea of 'between sites' or other interpretations).
Before the exhibition architects, artists, writers, academics, residents and makers will 'walk and talk' the city and start to approach the questions it poses.
It is hoped that the project will combine contributors with a deep knowledge of the city, those who have lived and worked in Swansea over time, with those who bring thoughts and ideas from other locations. The exhibition will acknowledge the skills already present in the city and create a forum for discussion between local professionals and those with knowledge from of elsewhere.