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Lee WilliamsEphemeral Coast

23 May - 25 June 2017

Based in Port Talbot, working in a broad interdisciplinary practice including painting, printmaking, sculpture, the moving image and ever emerging technologies, Lee Williams enquires into the creative potentials of the narrative structure by tracking and recording industrial flotsam. Collected, collated and tracked, the work is part planned, part improvised. 

This work addresses issues of identity, ownership and authorship where more formal issues realise a uniqueness and authenticity, revealing a quieter sensitivity of our at times complex relationship with the material and the ephemeral.

The work intentionally establishes a developing proposition of the viewer and the arena of recovering an immediacy, finding an opening through the elusive, seductive and sensual world of exploration and representation.



Ephemeral Coast, is a curatorial research project led by Celina Jeffery. It brings together artists, writers and climate change experts to explore how curating can advance consideration of coastal climate change.

Ephemeral Coast identifies the coastline as a site and indicator of the radical shifts in geography literally taking place now as a result of environmental change. It proposes that curating contemporary art is a unique process through which we may discover, analyze, and re-imagine the emotive discourses surrounding these ecological and cultural transformations.

Prosiect ymchwil curadurol yw Ephemeral Coast, wedi ei arwain gan Celina Jeffery. Daw ag artistiaid, ysgrifenwyr a gwyddonwyr newid hinsawdd at ei gilydd i archwilio sut all curadu ddatblygu ystyriaeth o newidiad hinsawdd arfordirol.

Nod Ephemeral Coast yw adnabod yr arfordir fel lleoliad a dangosydd newidiadau daearyddol eithafol sydd yn cymryd lle o ganlyniad i newid amgylcheddol. Mae’n amcanu fod curadu celf gyfoes yn broses unigryw lle efallai gwnawn ni ddarganfod, dadansoddi, ac ail-ddychmygu’r cwestiynu emosiynol sydd yn amgylchynu’r trawsffurfiad ecolegol a diwylliannol yma.


Download a map to accompany this series of exhibitions here:

Ephemeral Coast: South Wales Exhibition Map - English

Ephemeral Coast: South Wales Exhibition Map - Welsh


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