The Maker
Jin Eui KimMaker in Focus
13 January - 11 February 2018
Jin Eui Kim works in-between the concepts of illusion and reality. His work attracts viewers by visual phenomena as well as physical confusions appearing on the surface of the ceramic. Restricting or removing data (information) on the surface increases the chance of the viewer’s perception shifting between illusion and reality. Looking with half closed eyes, in the darker light and with distance, brings the illusion to life for Jin.
Jin Eui Kim is an internationally renowned ceramic artist. Originally from South Korea, he now lives with his family in Cardiff, UK.
Gweithia Jin Eui Kim yng nghysyniad rhith a realiti. Atynna’i waith gwylwyr ffenomena gweledol yn ogystal â dryswch ffisegol ar wyneb y serameg. Wrth gyfyngu neu waredu data (gwybodaeth) ar yr arwyneb cynyddir canfyddiad y gwyliwr rhwng rhith a realiti. Wrth edrych gyda llygaid hanner cau, mewn golau tywyllach ac o bellter, daw’r rhith yn fyw i Jin.
Mae Jin Eui Kim yn seramegydd o fri’n rhyngwladol. Yn wreiddiol o Dde Korea, mae nawr yn byw yng Nghaerdydd, DU gyda’i deulu.