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elysium gallery & studios : Artists Profilethe [...] space

21 July - 01 September 2018

elysium gallery is an artist led, not-for-profit social enterprise comprising of 84 artist work spaces and a contemporary art gallery over 3 locations in Swansea City Centre. elysium gallery strives to provide support for emerging and established artists as well as encouraging pride and participation in local visual and performing arts in an environment that promotes experimentation, freedom and appreciation in all creative practices.

The studios form an artistic community that enable the artists and elysium gallery to support each other through critical discussions, residency opportunities whilst forming collaborations and sharing practical skills. The studios foster a collaborative and participatory experience creating a vibrant and creative hub whilst encouraging the development of business models for artistic sustainability contributing to the local economy and retaining artists within Swansea City.

Jonathan Powell, elysium gallery & studios director.


Menter gymdeithasol nid am broffit, wedi ei arwain gan artistiaid, yw oriel elysium sydd yn cynnwys 84 stiwdio i artistiaid dros 3 lleoliad ac oriel gelf gyfoes yng nghanol Dinas Abertawe. Mae oriel elysium yn anelu at gynnig cymorth i artistiaid ymddangosedig a sefydlog ynghyd ac annog balchder a chyfrannu yng nghelfyddydau gweledol a chymhwysol mewn amgylchedd sydd yn annog arbrofi, rhyddid a gwerthfawrogiad ym mhob ymarfer creadigol.

Ffurfia’r stiwdios gymuned artistig sydd yn galluogi artistiaid ac oriel elysium gefnogi ei gilydd trwy drafodaethau critigol, cyfleoedd preswyl wrth ffurfio cydweithrediad a rhannu sgiliau ymarferol. Mae’r stiwdios yn annog profiad cydweithredol a phrofiad cyfrannol gan greu hwb lliwgar a chreadigol gan annog datblygiad modelau busnes am gynaladwyedd artistig gan gyfrannu i’r economi lleol a chynnal artistiaid yn Abertawe.


Jonathan Powell, Cyfarwyddwr oriel a stiwdios elysium.


The selected artists are/Yr artistiaid dethol:

the [...] space / y lle [...]:

Mark Folds

Lauren Heckler

Kelly Payne

Kathryn Anne Trussler


The Print Wall / Wal Printiau:

Eifion Sven-Myer

Philip Cheater

Carys Evans

Steph Mastoris

Euros Rowlands


Image: Invisible Barrier, Mark Folds

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