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Daniel TrivedyEphemeral Coast

27 June - 06 August 2017


Using art as a method of investigation, Daniel’s practice involves a convoluted process of research, thinking and material play that rarely produces a defined end or outcome.   What has developed over a period of time is a number of divergent strands of conversation that skirt themes of connection, belonging and global citizenship. Daniel is interested in our psychological relationship to each other. What are the origins, ramifications and consequences of these relationships? How are these relationships changing in an increasingly connected but seemingly divided world?  

Daniel’s work for the Mission Gallery explores the complexity and shifting nature of words surrounding Migration. A number of these words have been reinterpreted using digital media, liberating them from their malign connotations. Conversely, additional words have been re-purposed and co-opted into the work.

Following Lars Von Trier’s, The Five Obstructions, Daniel set himself a number of self-imposed constraints when making this work. This is a departure from his normal way of working and has resulted in an alternative iterative approach to his practice.



Gan ddefnyddio celf fel ffordd i archwilio, mae ymarfer Daniel yn broses troellog o ymchwil, meddwl a chwarae gyda defnydd sydd yn anaml yn creu diweddglo neu ganlyniad diffiniedig. Beth sydd wedi datblygu dros gyfnod o amser yw’r nifer o linynnau sgyrsiau sydd yn cyffwrdd ar themau o gysylltiad, perthyn a dinasfraint fydol. Mae gan Daniel diddordeb yn ein perthynas seicolegol i’n gilydd. Beth yw llinach, cangheniad a chanlyniadau’r perthnasau yma? Fel mae’r perthnasau yma yn newid mewn byd mwy cysylltiol ond arwahan?

Archwilia gwaith Daniel ar gyfer Oriel Mission cymhlethdod a natur newidiol geiriau i ymwneud ac Ymfudo. Mae nifer o’r geiriau yma wedi eu hail-ddehongli drwy gyfrwng digidol, gan eu rhyddhau o’r cysylltiadau negyddol. Yn drafodol, mae geiriau ychwanegol wedi eu hail-greu a’u newid i’r gwaith.

Gan ddilyn ‘The Five Obstructions’ Lars Von Trier, rhoddodd Daniel nifer o gymelliadau gosodedig ar ei hun wrth greu’r gwaith yma. Ymadawiad ydyw o’i ffordd gyffredin o weithio ac o ganlyniad mae’n ffordd fwy ailadroddol.



Ephemeral Coast, is a curatorial research project led by Celina Jeffery. It brings together artists, writers and climate change experts to explore how curating can advance consideration of coastal climate change.

Ephemeral Coast identifies the coastline as a site and indicator of the radical shifts in geography literally taking place now as a result of environmental change. It proposes that curating contemporary art is a unique process through which we may discover, analyze, and re-imagine the emotive discourses surrounding these ecological and cultural transformations.

Prosiect ymchwil curadurol yw Ephemeral Coast, wedi ei arwain gan Celina Jeffery. Daw ag artistiaid, ysgrifenwyr a gwyddonwyr newid hinsawdd at ei gilydd i archwilio sut all curadu ddatblygu ystyriaeth o newidiad hinsawdd arfordirol.

Nod Ephemeral Coast yw adnabod yr arfordir fel lleoliad a dangosydd newidiadau daearyddol eithafol sydd yn cymryd lle o ganlyniad i newid amgylcheddol. Mae’n amcanu fod curadu celf gyfoes yn broses unigryw lle efallai gwnawn ni ddarganfod, dadansoddi, ac ail-ddychmygu’r cwestiynu emosiynol sydd yn amgylchynu’r trawsffurfiad ecolegol a diwylliannol yma.


Download a map to accompany this series of exhibitions here:

Ephemeral Coast: South Wales Exhibition Map - English

Ephemeral Coast: South Wales Exhibition Map - Welsh

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