The Maker

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Nicola DowdleMaker in Focus

06 September - 13 November 2016

Nicola Dowdle’s working practice and sculptural interventions are fuelled by an intrigue in architectural spaces and how we experience them. Working site-responsively, Nicola attempts to create a dialogue between line, surface and space, investigating the language of materials in order to create a sculptural form.


Mae ymarfer gweithio a chyfryngwaith cerfluniol Nicola Dowdle wedi ei bweru gan gydamcan gwagleoedd pensaernïol a sut rydym ni’n eu profi. Gan weithio’n safle-benodol, ceisia Nicola greu deialog rhwng llinell, arwyneb a gwagle, gan archwilio iaith y deunyddiau er mwyn creu ffurf gerfluniol. 

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