The Maker
Heirloom of the FutureSwansea College of Art, UWTSD
18 November - 07 January 2018
Bethan Ames • Hannah Beniamous • Anna Bruce • Tiffany Butler • Laura Evans Nia Evans • Madeline Hearne • Jess Hill • Emily James • Mason Lima-Jones • Melissa Jayne Roberts • Jessica Saint • Danielle Taylor
Cloe Thomas • Megan Thomas
Surface Pattern Design Students from the third and fourth years, have worked on a project for several months to create functional and non-functional design objects, stationery, printmaking, fashion and interior related products to display and sell at Mission Gallery. Work will be selected by Deirdre Finnerty-Davies and the winners will sell their work in the gallery over Christmas!
Dros saith mis, mae myfyrwyr trydydd a pedwaredd flwyddyn Dylunio Patrwm Arwyneb wedi gweithio ar brosiect creu gwrthrychau dylunio swyddogaethol neu heb swyddogaeth, offer ysgrifennu, printiau, ffasiwn a darnau i’r cartref i’w harddangos a gwerthu yn Oriel Mission.